Vendome Memorial
Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA
Photo Courtesy of Bill Noonan/BFD
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Firefighting is recognized as the most hazardous profession in the country. The national injury rate among firefighters is 42%. In Boston, the rate is often double that average because of the workload.
The author has attempted to produce a book that is enlightening and entertaining to the average reader. It is also his intent to try to provide information to those who have chosen the profession as a career.
Many books have been published about the theoretical methods of controlling fires. This book attempts to relate actual events that take place under fire conditions and the methods employed may differ dramatically from the textbooks.
Thirty Years on the Line is available on Amazon.com
Firefighting is recognized as the most hazardous profession in the country. The national injury rate among firefighters is 42%. In Boston, the rate is often double that average because of the workload.
The author has attempted to produce a book that is enlightening and entertaining to the average reader. It is also his intent to try to provide information to those who have chosen the profession as a career.
Many books have been published about the theoretical methods of controlling fires. This book attempts to relate actual events that take place under fire conditions and the methods employed may differ dramatically from the textbooks.
Thirty Years on the Line is available on Amazon.com
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In May of 1983, my book Thirty Years on the Line was published. It consisted of a number of stories about the Boston Fire Department and its members covering a period from the beginning of 1950 to the beginning of the 1980s.
The book achieved some success with the general reading public, which was part of the author’s objective, and it received widespread success in the firefighting community in the United States and in several foreign fire departments in Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.
The most frequently asked question of the author since Thirty Years was published is, “What happened afterwards?”
This effort will try to answer that question up until the start of the nineties. After that, you’re on your own.
Commish is available on Amazon.com
In May of 1983, my book Thirty Years on the Line was published. It consisted of a number of stories about the Boston Fire Department and its members covering a period from the beginning of 1950 to the beginning of the 1980s.
The book achieved some success with the general reading public, which was part of the author’s objective, and it received widespread success in the firefighting community in the United States and in several foreign fire departments in Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.
The most frequently asked question of the author since Thirty Years was published is, “What happened afterwards?”
This effort will try to answer that question up until the start of the nineties. After that, you’re on your own.
Commish is available on Amazon.com
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Someone is trying to burn down the South End and Back Bay sections of Boston. And people are dying. The Boston Fire Department knows who the homicidal torch is. They know it’s Kenny Harlet— known to every Boston jake as Kenny the Whore.
They just have to catch him— which is exactly what Captain Billy Simpson of Ladder 17 in District Four and his pal Oakie O’Connor, a BFD arson investigator, plan to do.
The chase is on from Boston to San Francisco where Billy’s friend Fred Strauss, with whom he served in the US Navy during World War II, is a member of the SFFD Arson Squad. As Kenny’s MO surfaces in San Francisco, Fred joins forces with Billy and Oakie in their relentless pursuit to catch Kenny the Whore. Stapleton intertwines compelling reflection of Billy’s days as a young seaman with Fred on a supply ship in the Pacific.
Fire & Water is vintage Stapleton. Written with the same meticulous attention to detail and with the same sense of humor he brought to Thirty Years on the Line and Commish.
Fire & Water is available on Amazon.com
Someone is trying to burn down the South End and Back Bay sections of Boston. And people are dying. The Boston Fire Department knows who the homicidal torch is. They know it’s Kenny Harlet— known to every Boston jake as Kenny the Whore.
They just have to catch him— which is exactly what Captain Billy Simpson of Ladder 17 in District Four and his pal Oakie O’Connor, a BFD arson investigator, plan to do.
The chase is on from Boston to San Francisco where Billy’s friend Fred Strauss, with whom he served in the US Navy during World War II, is a member of the SFFD Arson Squad. As Kenny’s MO surfaces in San Francisco, Fred joins forces with Billy and Oakie in their relentless pursuit to catch Kenny the Whore. Stapleton intertwines compelling reflection of Billy’s days as a young seaman with Fred on a supply ship in the Pacific.
Fire & Water is vintage Stapleton. Written with the same meticulous attention to detail and with the same sense of humor he brought to Thirty Years on the Line and Commish.
Fire & Water is available on Amazon.com
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All Boston firefighters are called Jakes. When I was appointed to the department over forty years ago, I asked my peers how the nickname originated. The most common reply was “I dunno.”
Throughout my career I would occasionally pursue the answer without success. These ineffective research attempts terminated at my retirement testimonial when I asked a retired deputy fire chief, long noted for his historical knowledge of the department, and his thoughtful reply was, “Who cares?”
I do.
So, this book is named and dedicated to all Boston Jakes past, present and future. May they be ever thus.
Jakes is available on Amazon.com
All Boston firefighters are called Jakes. When I was appointed to the department over forty years ago, I asked my peers how the nickname originated. The most common reply was “I dunno.”
Throughout my career I would occasionally pursue the answer without success. These ineffective research attempts terminated at my retirement testimonial when I asked a retired deputy fire chief, long noted for his historical knowledge of the department, and his thoughtful reply was, “Who cares?”
I do.
So, this book is named and dedicated to all Boston Jakes past, present and future. May they be ever thus.
Jakes is available on Amazon.com
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“Good morning all you FFOPS. In case you’re wondering what that means, it’s ‘Fire Fighters on Probation’.
You may have heard our new people are called recruits or rookies or probies or I don’t know what else, but to me, you’re just FFOPS and I mean that in the most derogatory fashion you can imagine.”
Lieutenant Brunick, Instructor, Boston Fire Academy
FFOPS is available on Amazon.com
“Good morning all you FFOPS. In case you’re wondering what that means, it’s ‘Fire Fighters on Probation’.
You may have heard our new people are called recruits or rookies or probies or I don’t know what else, but to me, you’re just FFOPS and I mean that in the most derogatory fashion you can imagine.”
Lieutenant Brunick, Instructor, Boston Fire Academy
FFOPS is available on Amazon.com
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Donald scanned through the General Order, picking out the pertinent information, his hands trembling as his eyes skipped down the page. …The following named members are promoted to Fire Lieutenant and are assigned to the Personnel Division, effective 0800 hours, November 1, 1996.
Fire Fighter Donald F. Holden
Tower Company.
Fire Fighter Alan R. Hitchcock
Engine Company 32.
Fire Fighter Cassius X. Murphy
Ladder Company 23.
Fire Fighter Richard C. Foster
Engine Company 10.
Lufts is Book 2 in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
Lufts is available on Amazon.com
Donald scanned through the General Order, picking out the pertinent information, his hands trembling as his eyes skipped down the page. …The following named members are promoted to Fire Lieutenant and are assigned to the Personnel Division, effective 0800 hours, November 1, 1996.
Fire Fighter Donald F. Holden
Tower Company.
Fire Fighter Alan R. Hitchcock
Engine Company 32.
Fire Fighter Cassius X. Murphy
Ladder Company 23.
Fire Fighter Richard C. Foster
Engine Company 10.
Lufts is Book 2 in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
Lufts is available on Amazon.com
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Leo D. Stapleton continues his compelling tribute to the courage and dedication of the members of the Boston Fire Department and ultimately to all members of the fire service.
Cap’n is his seventh book and the third in this series that chronicles the career of Donald Holden, the Boston jake whose story began in FFOPs and continued with Lufts. Donald has grown to love his chosen profession and the people he works with; he has grown to love the challenge and responsibility of being an officer in the BFD; he has a stronger faith in his own judgment and his ability to lead and protect other jakes.
Cap’n is Book 3 in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
Cap'n is available on Amazon.com
Leo D. Stapleton continues his compelling tribute to the courage and dedication of the members of the Boston Fire Department and ultimately to all members of the fire service.
Cap’n is his seventh book and the third in this series that chronicles the career of Donald Holden, the Boston jake whose story began in FFOPs and continued with Lufts. Donald has grown to love his chosen profession and the people he works with; he has grown to love the challenge and responsibility of being an officer in the BFD; he has a stronger faith in his own judgment and his ability to lead and protect other jakes.
Cap’n is Book 3 in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
Cap'n is available on Amazon.com
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In DFC, Leo Stapleton continues his moving and realistic tribute to the courage and dedication of America’s firefighters.
The book renews Stapleton’s chronicle of Donald Holden’s career in the Boston Fire Department as his command responsibilities grow and he persists in his effort to advance to District Fire Chief.
DFC begins at the time of the tragic Worcester warehouse fire, which resulted in the loss of six members of that department, and concludes soon after the horrendous events of September 11th, 2001 - the day that changed everything for America and the fire service.
In spite of these tragedies, the job must continue. Each day, at every incident, Donald enhances his knowledge of fire fighting, deepens his faith in his own judgment and his ability to lead his fellow fire fighters, while also preparing to take the examination for District Fire Chief and the duties he will be required to perform. For a brief time he is even assigned to the Fire Academy, back where his career began in Ffops.
DFC is Book 4 in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
DFC is available on Amazon.com
In DFC, Leo Stapleton continues his moving and realistic tribute to the courage and dedication of America’s firefighters.
The book renews Stapleton’s chronicle of Donald Holden’s career in the Boston Fire Department as his command responsibilities grow and he persists in his effort to advance to District Fire Chief.
DFC begins at the time of the tragic Worcester warehouse fire, which resulted in the loss of six members of that department, and concludes soon after the horrendous events of September 11th, 2001 - the day that changed everything for America and the fire service.
In spite of these tragedies, the job must continue. Each day, at every incident, Donald enhances his knowledge of fire fighting, deepens his faith in his own judgment and his ability to lead his fellow fire fighters, while also preparing to take the examination for District Fire Chief and the duties he will be required to perform. For a brief time he is even assigned to the Fire Academy, back where his career began in Ffops.
DFC is Book 4 in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
DFC is available on Amazon.com
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In Billy Simpson’s Journals, Leo Stapleton moves his chronicle of the Boston Fire Department forward by going back to the BFD’s past. District Fire Chief Donald Holden’s closest friends on the job are tired of him hoarding the advice he’s been getting from his mentor, Chief Billy Simpson, over the years. It’s time to share the wealth!
Donald arranges a lunch with his cohorts and Billy. They just want him to talk; they just want to listen and learn. Simpson’s detailed recollections of his early years on the job are so enlightening that they ask if they can meet on a regular basis. Billy agrees to their request.
To prepare for the meetings Billy reviews the personal journals he kept during his long career. It’s all there in the journals: ship fires, tunnel fires, warehouse fires, pier fires, high-rise fires, entire neighborhoods of triple-deckers blazing; civil unrest and riots, Boston fire fighters being stoned and shot at by the people they were sworn to protect; the most destructive wave of arson any American city had ever experienced, while the BFD was being systematically decimated by budget cuts and layoffs, and then, under new leadership, the gradual rebuilding of the Boston Fire Department’s equipment, manpower and pride.
Billy Simpson’s Journals is an informal history of four decades of the American fire service.
Billy Simpson's Journals is available on Amazon.com
In Billy Simpson’s Journals, Leo Stapleton moves his chronicle of the Boston Fire Department forward by going back to the BFD’s past. District Fire Chief Donald Holden’s closest friends on the job are tired of him hoarding the advice he’s been getting from his mentor, Chief Billy Simpson, over the years. It’s time to share the wealth!
Donald arranges a lunch with his cohorts and Billy. They just want him to talk; they just want to listen and learn. Simpson’s detailed recollections of his early years on the job are so enlightening that they ask if they can meet on a regular basis. Billy agrees to their request.
To prepare for the meetings Billy reviews the personal journals he kept during his long career. It’s all there in the journals: ship fires, tunnel fires, warehouse fires, pier fires, high-rise fires, entire neighborhoods of triple-deckers blazing; civil unrest and riots, Boston fire fighters being stoned and shot at by the people they were sworn to protect; the most destructive wave of arson any American city had ever experienced, while the BFD was being systematically decimated by budget cuts and layoffs, and then, under new leadership, the gradual rebuilding of the Boston Fire Department’s equipment, manpower and pride.
Billy Simpson’s Journals is an informal history of four decades of the American fire service.
Billy Simpson's Journals is available on Amazon.com
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Leo Stapleton continues his compelling tribute to the courage and dedication of the members of the Boston Fire Department, and ultimately to all members of the American fire service, Deputy is his tenth book and the fifth in his series that chronicles the career of Donald Holden, the Boston jake whose story Stapleton began ten years ago in Ffops.
Donald is now a district fire chief in command of Boston District 3, a complex and diverse district that includes all of downtown and the waterfront areas, with their numerous commercial and residential high-rises, piers and wharfs, subway tunnels, traffic arteries, and the seemingly endless Big Dig; along with several of the city’s compact neighborhoods, filled with street after street of attached row houses and Boston’s famous triple-deckers.
Donald loves working in this challenging district. Each and every day, at every single incident, he feels he is increasing his knowledge of firefighting and deepening his faith in his own judgment and ability to lead his fellow fire fighters and officers. His confidence in the essential leadership skills and effective command style he has developed, motivate him to try to advance to the rank of Deputy Fire Chief.
Deputy is the final book in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
Deputy is available on Amazon.com
Leo Stapleton continues his compelling tribute to the courage and dedication of the members of the Boston Fire Department, and ultimately to all members of the American fire service, Deputy is his tenth book and the fifth in his series that chronicles the career of Donald Holden, the Boston jake whose story Stapleton began ten years ago in Ffops.
Donald is now a district fire chief in command of Boston District 3, a complex and diverse district that includes all of downtown and the waterfront areas, with their numerous commercial and residential high-rises, piers and wharfs, subway tunnels, traffic arteries, and the seemingly endless Big Dig; along with several of the city’s compact neighborhoods, filled with street after street of attached row houses and Boston’s famous triple-deckers.
Donald loves working in this challenging district. Each and every day, at every single incident, he feels he is increasing his knowledge of firefighting and deepening his faith in his own judgment and ability to lead his fellow fire fighters and officers. His confidence in the essential leadership skills and effective command style he has developed, motivate him to try to advance to the rank of Deputy Fire Chief.
Deputy is the final book in a 5 part series that chronicles Donald Holden’s rise in the Boston Fire Department from Ffop to Deputy.
Deputy is available on Amazon.com
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Firefighting Reflections is an attempt to summarize my views on what a member should do upon entering the fire service and what he/she might do while serving in each rank as their career progresses.
While my knowledge only relates to the Boston Fire Department, I believe the experiences I underwent are similar to those of fire service members in many other departments. The business seems to attract the same types of personnel who are interested in this type of career.
Firefighting Reflections is available on Amazon.com
Firefighting Reflections is an attempt to summarize my views on what a member should do upon entering the fire service and what he/she might do while serving in each rank as their career progresses.
While my knowledge only relates to the Boston Fire Department, I believe the experiences I underwent are similar to those of fire service members in many other departments. The business seems to attract the same types of personnel who are interested in this type of career.
Firefighting Reflections is available on Amazon.com
BOX 1432
48 Hours
CBS News Program with Eric Engberg
BOX 1432
48 Hours
CBS News Program with Eric Engberg
Fire Engineering
Lifetime Achievement Award
(R-L) 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Leo D. Stapleton, Bobby Halton, Fire Engineering Editor in Chief/FDIC Education Director and Leo D. Stapleton Jr.
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